Jason Momoa and Eiza González started dating recently after Momoa's parted from his long-term accomplice Lisa Bonet
The several has proactively had some promising and less promising times however they appear to be dealing with
their sentiment after a concise split followed by a minor mishap On July 27 Momoa and Gonzáez were spotted riding
through Malibu California together They were on Momoa's Harley-Davidson and heading down Topanga Canyon Road as
indicated by Entertainment Online and González was donning a yellow varsity coat dark pants and white shoes
They separated momentarily about a month prior then rejoined in London a source affirmed
He is actually seeing Eiza the source guaranteed They are attempting to make a big difference for it and do not have the
foggiest idea where it will lead It is working for the present how it is At the hour of their London get-together another
source told E News that a portion of their issues were tied in with having occupied plans since they have both working and
voyaging a ton so it is been testing, however they are seeing each other when they can and truly love being together
They are confident that they can push it along and plan to visit each other as frequently as possible
They added that the Aquaman star is preparing to film in Hawaii where he will be for a couple of months